Just Who Is Your Reporter?

Mungo Alebelly, at your service.  Or, to use the name his dear, departed parents gave him, Mungo Niklaus Greta (his mother always wanted a girl) Alebelly-Tasselback.  Late of the Moot, but by the grace of the Emperor's Light, in possession of credentials more welcome than an Inquisitor's rosette, more feared than a Space Marine's bolter, and more impressive than the seven-breasted pleasure mutants found in certain, shoreside locales.  On that last front, be assured that this reporter made his excuses and left.  But made sure he took his receipt - that was an expensive fortnight...

So, Mungo - reporter, writer, bon-viveur, lover, reluctant fighter, intrepid discoverer of the truth, chef, saucier, virtuoso, thespian, headliner and available at very reasonable rates (plus expenses).  The star turn of the Eagle and Comet Courier, certainly.  

Mungo undercover as a Halfling chef in the service of an Ork Warlord.  The ability to turn a squig into a gourmet meal was sadly wasted on the Warlord, as he met an unfortunate end at the hands of the Space Wolves.
This column will expand, as our reporter comes to trust his loyal readership.  And he is sure that you will want to learn more about him.  So sure that he is negotiating a meaty advance for his memoirs.  Literally, a meaty advance...

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