The Emperor's Number One Legion

And so, it came to pass, that after a lengthy layoff, your host was graciously provided with the time to crack the paints out.  By Esmeralda's teats!  It takes a long time to accomplish almost nothing.
The slab, in it's current, temporary format - with inspirational menus of the day for your host

Two devastators awaiting the first caress of the brush

Devastator squad receives a wash

Mysterious, robed Terminator makes eye-contact with your host - possibly...

Assault marine in 10 year old base layer


  1. Hmm, a man in a hood usually has something to hide... I smell deviancy

  2. How can anything so mundane and drab looking be deviant? Come back when we've added the purity seals and then all your concerns will be erased...
