Wednesday 22 February 2012

Where Do We Start? Why, With A Right Old Tussle!

Orcs, eh?  They like nothing better than a good scrap.  And they picked a suitable opponent in the forces of De Vesci from Lyonesse.  A rag-tag force of Orcs and Goblins led by a band of Black Orcs were set to rampage across the peasants of the region.  But the Bretonnians were waiting for them by the river...

The battle lines are drawn.  It will end in death or dishonour...

The goblin host drew up in remarkably good formations.

The Knights of the Realm advance to the front, scattering peasants as they  canter.

The Bretonnians presented a stirring spectacle as they advanced.

The Bretonnian General advances on the flank.

The Bretonnian trebuchet is a truly spectacular sight.



The men-at-arms bravely hold the bridge from an enemy that had no intention of crossing it.

Choppas at the ready, the Orcs advance.

From our crow-cam, the back and forth of the battle was obvious.

A giant hits a chapel.  Yesterday.
An utter victory for the Bretonnians.  The Orcs and Goblins were wiped out.  But will that be the end of them?  This reporter suspects not.  Stay tuned to find out...

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